Yesterday (December 20th, 2006) my colleague, Jenny & I went to Pantai Medical Centre in Bangsar to meet our respective customers. After that, we had some free time, we decided to have a drink in the Starbucks outlet in Pantai. She belanja-ed me Hot Mocha while she had Coffee of the Day which was some black coffee.
After having drank only half of the Hot Mocha, I suddenly had this really excruciating tummy ache. I didn't know if it had anything to do with the mocha drink or not. Haha! :P So I went to the toilet and did my "thang"! Jenny was busy-ing herself with the celebrity gossips on my HOT magazine.
Yum cha-ing with Jenny in Pantai Bangsar's Starbucks
Christmas tree in Pantai Medical Centre, Bangsar
Today (December 21st, 2006), I went down to see some customers with Mr. Lee and Leslie (an engineer in my office). I drove them in Mr. Lee's Naza MPV. We had brunch in the famous Seremban Hakka mee in the pasar besar. Yummy!
Lovely flowers in Columbia Asia Medical Centre in Seremban