This is how I look like in my cool new shades!
Did my blood test today (23/09/06). Phew! Thank God, I ain't no diabetic! After having starved myself for 12 hours, the sugar level in my blood was only 2.6... according to the doctor, a person is diabetic when the sugar level reaches 6 and above. Hip hip hurray! I'm not diabetic!
Kevin & Meng Kaei
Kevin's mate, Meng Kaei and his wifey were in Sunway Pyramid today. So we went to meet them there. Both of them are currently working in Singapore. Went jalan-jalan with them. I didn't buy anything (that's surprising!). Took some pics on each other's cam phone. Simply lovely for memories' sake! =)
Later that night, I met up with Tammy for another session of SJ Uptown, haha! Well, I think I didn't buy anything. I wasn't feeling it that night. Probably bcoz I was experiencing some period discomfort. My legs were constantly numb and aching. Need to rest now. Tata for now!